Helping Students Get Higher Grades

Students who use EduGuide learn skills that help them come to class better prepared, pay attention more, and participate more. As students learn to persist in small things, like coming to class more often, they grow the strength to persist in bigger things, like earning higher grades

A rigorous, independent study indicated that EduGuide can significantly increase two key predictors of STEM and college-career success: standardized math test scores and GPA. The study of 861 students measured EduGuide’s impact at the elementary, middle and high school levels by comparing students who used EduGuide to similar students who did not use EduGuide after controlling for other factors. The EduGuide students averaged a B+ while the control group averaged a B. 

Stronger skills, better grades

Students report that EduGuide led them to change their approach to school. These changes made a difference in the grades they began to receive. 

  • “I used to not pay attention in class and now that I have been paying more attention I get better grades.” 
  • “It made me realize the things I need to do to help my grades.” 
  • “I used to cram school work into a day or two and now I chip away on homework nearly every day.” 
  • “I used to not really do my school work because I didnt want to but now I think its fun and I am getting better grades on my homework.”
  • “I used to have D’s and F’s at my old school for 3 to 4 years and now I have A’s and B’s.”

Building habits for success

The EduGuide skills students learn help them develop habits that can translate into higher grades. These include: 

  • Recognizing when they have a fixed mindset and knowing how to cultivate a growth mindset
  • Practicing techniques to improve study habits 
  • Understanding that challenges are opportunities, not barriers 
  • Learning five active learning strategies and when to use them
  • Figuring out how to break down large projects into smaller tasks
  • Becoming confident enough to ask questions and ask for help

Learn how EduGuide can help your students practice the skills that can lead to higher grades and test scores. Schedule a call with our team.


Research Proves EduGuide’s Success

College Readiness


An award-winning nonprofit founded in 2000, EduGuide's programs have been used by thousands of schools and colleges to coach millions of students to success. Learn more about us.

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