Growing Middle School Strengths Through Peer Mentoring
EduGuide's online social emotional learning curriculum enables middle school students to explore challenging questions and ideas in a safe environment and make choices about how they want to make a difference in the world. They learn how to mentor others so that everyone can contribute to a stronger school community, creating a more positive school climate for students and teachers.
self awareness | sense of purpose | conflict resolution | relationship skills | decision making
EduGuide helps middle school students think about who they want to be
When Vernon Middle School began working with EduGuide, students used the platform to reflect on who they wanted to be and how they could achieve their goals--while also encouraging others to do their best. Meanwhile, their teachers were able to interact with students on a deeper level as the middle schoolers shared their hopes and struggles through their EduGuide reflections.
Guided Success
An EduGuide Results Coach meets briefly with middle school leaders to plan and grow your peer mentoring community schoolwide. Plans are tailored to your program and strategic goals such as improving behavior, attendance, achievement, and wellbeing -- which research shows EduGuide delivers. Results Coaches are former teachers, administrators or other leaders, so they know how to get things done. On-call as needed, they will follow your progress, provide reports and make recommendations throughout the year on best practices. Your middle school students will build strengths to help them stand up to peer pressure, set and meet academic goals, and choose how they want to make a difference.
I used to just quit because there were so many setbacks but now instead of quitting when something feels hard I try again or ask for help.
Middle School Student
Building the EduGuide Habit
Within days of meeting with their Results Coach, middle schools can start EduGuide’s simple peer mentoring habit. All you need is an English, advisory or other class where students can work with EduGuide for at least 15 minutes per week on their phone or laptop. Teachers just share the link and students get started.
Each week in a self-guided reflection, students learn 1 EduGuide Skill and then choose an EduGuide Challenge to help 1 person with that skill. Each reflection guides students through a series of questions and a video or role play where they learn to grow by supporting others. Week after week the EduGuide Habit shifts behaviors, strengthens relationships and builds a thriving culture where middle school students can say, "At our school, we look out for each other." It’s that simple.
I just need to realize that there are more ways to solve problems than the one method I may be using and that it is okay to make mistakes.
Middle School Student
Powerful Teacher Options
EduGuide is literally ZERO prep. Just share the link for students to complete EduGuide reflections on their own. But when they want, teachers can also choose to go deeper with EduGuide’s powerful tools to support students. For instance, teachers, counselors, or other assigned staff can easily see what students have written to learn about their needs. They can engage in an online dialogue to build bonds that increase student engagement in class. They can explore key issues with discussion guides. And they can use coaching strategies from EduGuide PD throughout the week to bring out students’ social and emotional strengths.
Engaging Student Supports
A nonprofit program designed in partnership with schools to meet the diverse learning needs of students, EduGuide provides multiple layers of support to ensure each student’s success.
Teachers can adjust the pace and level of writing on EduGuide by school, class, or individual student. Students can click on any word to get a definition and add it to a personal glossary to build their vocabulary. English language learners can get a translation into Spanish or eight other languages.
Results You Can Measure
As a CASEL top-tier evidence-based program, EduGuide not only delivers results, it helps you measure them. With weekly pulse checks and monthly assessments, EduGuide’s dashboards provide both quantitative and qualitative measures of your students’ growth. Each year your EduGuide Results Coach will help you use insights from your EduGuide data to grow your community and advance your strategic goals.
I appreciate how the activities give students the opportunity to think about and take ownership of their learning, behaviors, and growth. I believe EduGuide helps them to become better versions of themselves.
Middle School Teacher
EduGuide helps middle school students learn the power of helping others
Sixth grader Casie shares how EduGuide helps her grow. By learning to "do challenging things and help others do challenging things," she is developing a growth mindset and experiencing the satisfaction of helping others, not just herself.
EduGuide provides a simpler, more sustainable, student-powered way to grow stronger middle schools.
When you schedule your strategy call, you’ll answer a few easy questions about your needs. You’ll then meet with an expert who will walk you through how EduGuide works and help you explore the fit for your middle school.
An award-winning nonprofit founded in 2000, EduGuide's programs have been used by thousands of schools and colleges to coach millions of students to success. Learn more about us.