Choosing Positive Behavior

Negative behavior affects everyone in a classroom, not just the student acting badly. Classroom management suffers and all students miss out on valuable instructional time as teachers deal with discipline issues.

With EduGuide, students learn and practice emotional intelligence skills that lead to positive outcomes such as listening better, getting over setbacks faster, and managing stress better. They begin to choose positive behaviors over negative actions to reach the goals they set for themselves.

Reducing negative behavior referrals

A rigorous, independent study indicated that EduGuide significantly reduced students’ likelihood of negative behavior referrals in 6th grade. The study measured EduGuide’s impact by comparing students who used EduGuide to similar students who did not use EduGuide after controlling for other factors.

Compared to a statistically similar comparison group student with a 30% chance of having one or more negative behavioral referrals, a similar EduGuide student had only a 17% chance.

Moving in a positive direction

Dr. Santos Palomo, Academy Director at The Academies of Juarez-Lincoln High School, said that she has witnessed a shift in behaviors among students who use EduGuide. 

“The atmosphere and the student culture has changed in a positive direction. The kids are more calm and willing to listen. Those learners that I have counseled with are more willing to take advice and listen to feedback,” she stated.

Making positive behavior choices

Students also report how they are making more responsible behavior choices.

  • “I used to get in trouble a lot and not do work because I didn’t want to but now I do my work and I am more respectful and responsible.” (Middle school student) 
  • “It has helped me, because I used to have a really bad temper and now I don’t.” (High school student) 
  • “I used to over react now I know everything doesn’t need a reaction I need to grow through what I go through.” (Middle school student) 

Learn how EduGuide can help your school reduce negative behaviors. Schedule a strategy call.


Creating a Positive School Climate

Breaking Bad Habits with Neuroplasticity


An award-winning nonprofit founded in 2000, EduGuide's programs have been used by thousands of schools and colleges to coach millions of students to success. Learn more about us.

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