Use this facilitator guide and activity handout to help both students and staff reflect on how they’ve been helped by those who guided their growth-–their EduGuides. It can be used in staff meetings for a PD activity, and then faculty can share it with their students.
Research shows that when people think about those who have positively influenced them, it lights up the area of the brain that makes them want to become more like their role models. Those feelings can turn into action as they think of ways to become role models for others.
This activity can have far-reaching effects. In the moment, remembering our EduGuides provides a sense of wellbeing that lowers stress. In addition, the act of writing about that person and how they influenced your life results in a longer-term ability to imitate their actions with positive behaviors. Then as people “pay it forward” by becoming an EduGuide, it reinforces those emotional benefits and starts to grow a network of mutual support around them.
It’s a small taste of EduGuide’s holistic nonprofit curriculum and multi-tiered support program that schools use throughout the year, and we are happy to share it with you here.
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